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A lovely day for tea

Last week several Residents enjoyed a Valentine Tea Party at the home of Lesleah De Frisco, Manager of Residential & Guest Services at the BA.

We enjoyed an assortment of decaf teas along with mini quiches, pecan shortbread cookies, chocolate pots du crème, and other assorted treats.  We sat by the fireplace petting the cats and some residents enjoyed touring the house and looking at various works of art on the walls.

Also in celebration of Valentine’s Day, Chef James prepared a special meal which was enjoyed by all in the Dining Room at the BA.  All in all, our Residents really felt the love!


  • 💬
    Debbie E.  replied


    26.02.2025 00:00

    Sounds like a perfect Valentine’s day to me❣💐💃😻

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