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Come to Boston for a continuing education workshop!

Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association is grateful to offer a one-day continuing education workshop for Journal-listed Christian Science nurses.

Topic: Refining ethics, judgment, and skills in relation to the advanced Christian Science nursing arts

When: Friday, May 30, 2025: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (includes a 2-hour lunch break)

Cost: $200 (Please inquire about grants available.)

Where: Christian Science Nurses Training School, Chestnut Hill Benevolent Association

During the workshop, we’ll focus primarily on our ministry in assisting with activity (mobility, lifting, moving) and with cleansing and bandaging. Our time together will include discussion regarding ethics and substantial work together with the art and skill needed to support healing in our practice of Christian Science nursing.

The Benevolent Association is conveniently located about four miles west of The Mother Church.

Interested in submitting an application to participate in the workshop? Please email csnursingarts@chbenevolent.org


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