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CSNA III underway at the BA

We’re just beginning our third week of the five-week class CSNA III: Advanced Christian Science Nursing Arts.  There are four participants in the class: one from The Leaves, located outside of Dallas, Texas and three from Arden Wood, Inc., located in San Francisco. This class gives Christian Science nurses, who have a sound and substantial practice already in this ministry, the opportunity to broaden and deepen their understanding of the work. And it supports them in having a readiness to bear witness to healing as they minister to individuals and their needs in a variety of settings.

The class thoroughly addresses ethics and the art of Christian Science nursing that are necessary to minister in a Christian Science nursing facility, visiting Christian Science nursing service, in someone’s home, in a school or camp setting, and in an outpatient room. The follow-up to the class will be side-by-side mentoring in these avenues of practice, working with new skills, and refining skills already in practice. We are so grateful to be supporting these four Christian Science nurses. 

 We’ve been cherishing this passage from The People’s Idea of God and its significant relevance to Christian Science nurses:

“O Christian Scientist, thou of the church of the new-born; awake to a higher and holier love for God and man; put on the whole armor of Truth; rejoice in hope; be patient in tribulation, — that ye may go to the bed of anguish, and look upon this dream of life in matter, girt with a higher sense of omnipotence; and behold once again the power of divine Life and Love to heal and reinstate man in God’s own image and likeness, having “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Mary Baker Eddy, The People’s Idea Of God: Its Effect on Health and Christianity, p. 14:11). 

A second CSNA III: Advanced Christian Science Nursing Arts class will be taught this October.  


  • 💬
    Karen Bartley  replied


    26.02.2025 00:00

    How wonderful to see these dear happy faces and know the tender care they will be providing. Beautiful reflections of our dear Father-Mother-God. What a blessing to the Christian Science field.

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