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Gratitude for mentoring class

Our last class of 2024 was a continuing education class for Journal-listed Christian Science nurses, which we held the first week of December. CSNA VI: Mentoring in the art of Christian Science nursing supported 10 participants with their practice of mentoring. Some are serving in a designated role of mentoring, and some are in positions of oversight that naturally include an element of mentoring, such as director of Christian Science nursing, or supervisor. The class included Christian Science nurses currently working at Tenacre, the BA, Sunland Home, The Leaves, and The Victorian Welfare Association in Melbourne, Australia. 

From one of the Christian Science nurses in the class: “As always in these courses, we go back to the Manual By-law “Christian Science Nurse” and see how it’s there to guide and support our ministry … This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve already begun to see immense spiritual growth and deepening and broadening. It expanded my sense of joy and love for what we all do, very tangibly … The prayerful preparation and inspiration that went into the planning and organization of the course was so evident. I felt so embraced and supported throughout every activity and am feeling prepared to embrace opportunities and others with greater awareness and a deeper sense of God’s shepherding embrace of Christian Science nursing.” 


  • 💬
    Sancy Nason  replied


    26.02.2025 00:00

    Wonderful!!! Thank you, dear Father-Mother God for the blessing of Chestnut Hill and the gift to the world of these Christian Science Nurses.

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