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New management position at the BA

The BA Board of Trustees has established a new position in the organizational structure of the BA. We’re pleased to announce that Peter Morgan has joined the BA staff as the Director of Operations, where he works closely with the CEO and department managers.

“Over the past few years, the BA Board of Trustees together with the CEO have been considering establishing a new position for the organization to give additional support to overseeing the day-to-day operations,” says Jonatha Wey, C.S., Vice Chair of the BA Board of Trustees. “In February the Trustees voted to add the position of Director of Operations and posted the new position in March.  We were delighted to have Peter Morgan as one of the candidates that we interviewed and to learn of his strong work experience, expertise, and his deep devotion to the Cause of Christian Science. We’re so grateful to have Pete on the team as Director of Operations.”

Pete has a deep love of and admiration for Christian Science nursing. Growing up, he had the opportunity to work part-time for many years at a Christian Science nursing facility where he was trained to work in the housekeeping department, as well as providing support to the catering kitchen when it was needed. Additionally, both his parents spent their careers serving the Christian Science nursing field in the UK.

Additionally, Pete brings a wide-range of experience in various disciplines to his new post at the BA. He started his career in the IT industry, served as a frontline police officer in the UK, worked at The Mother Church where he managed the Concord software program, and most recently oversaw the Development Department at Longyear Museum.

Pete, his wife Katie, and their greyhound Chester, are temporarily residing in the Original Building as they look for a new local home. Please join us in giving them a warm welcome to the BA!


  • 💬
    Sandi  replied


    24.05.2024 00:00

    Anyone who adopts a greyhound can’t be all bad! Seriously, a warm welcome to Pete and Katie and Chester.

  • 💬
    John Mitchell  replied


    24.05.2024 00:00

    Such wonderful news! Pete will bring so much good to the BA team. Well done!

  • 💬
    Jule C. Gerrish  replied


    24.05.2024 00:00

    Thanks for introducing Peter and his family - he will be a major asset to the BA, and thanks for all you do to keep your guests well fed with top-notch keeping policies - very important.

  • 💬
    Phillip Hockley  replied


    24.05.2024 00:00

    Great news for Peter and the BA - you’re getting a great guy with some great skills all based on his love of Christian Science and the experience of working at Charton Manor.
    I had the pleasure of working alongside him and his brother when they were there as teenagers

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    Barbara Fay  replied


    25.05.2024 00:00

    It is a joy to have Pete, Katie, and Chester here!

  • 💬
    PR Rigby  replied


    29.05.2024 00:00

    What a blessing Peter will be to the BA, he brings with him his dedication & love of Christian Science.
    I met him when he worked in the housekeeping department at Charton Manorvwhere I used to work as a Christian Science Nurse.

  • 💬
    Nancy Lamb  replied


    29.05.2024 00:00

    Peter and Katie, so glad to have you in Boston again—and at the BA!

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