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Christian Science chaplain proves the power of prayer in a gas chamber

We are bringing back an inspiring account shared by Retired Army Colonel Janet Horton a few years ago after she spoke at one of the BA’s Christian Science Nursing Arts graduation ceremonies.  Janet describes how focused prayer and study of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy helped her completely overcome the fear and effects of exposure in a gas chamber.

Click below to hear the audio.

“When I was in Seminary, it wasn’t uncommon to hear people who knew anything about the military … to tell you the war stories about the worst thing that happened in basic training….”


  • 💬
    Phyllis Andreae  replied


    03.11.2024 00:00

    What a wonderful testimony to the ever presence and continual unfolding of Truth, exterminating false beliefs however widely held, and protecting all.

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