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Starting the summer with CSNA I

We’re delighted to welcome participants to CSNA I: Introductory Christian Science Nursing Arts this summer. Representing the BA and Sunland Home in southern California, these three individuals have answered the call to represent themselves as Christian Science nurses and will spend four weeks in the classroom at the BA, followed by six weeks of mentored instruction at their own facility.

As the first course in the Christian Science Nursing Arts curriculum, this training is supporting the availability of Christian Science nurses throughout the Field.

“The classroom portion of CSNA I gently introduces one to the ministry of Christian Science nursing, including the ethics and skills necessary to provide light assistance with care,” says Caitlin Sheasley, Christian Science Nursing Arts Mentor & Instructor at the BA. “The four weeks of class also prioritize the participant’s individual study of the pastor and Mrs. Eddy’s other published writings to gain a deeper understanding of the By-law as an integral part of our Church and its healing mission.”

Learn more about the Christian Science Nurses Training School at the Benevolent Association on our website.


  • 💬
    Kathy Arthur   replied


    26.06.2024 00:00

    So grateful for these new CS nurses, and so grateful for the dedicated instruction being provided by the Christian Science Nursing Arts program. What a blessing!
    Thank you, all!

  • 💬
    Christine Oluoch  replied


    26.06.2024 00:00

    It is wonderful to see these three individuals ready and willing to nurture their call to serve as Christian Science Nurses.
    With love and gratitude.

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    Andrew D. Brewis  replied


    27.06.2024 00:00

    I recognise at least one of those happy smiling faces ! I take my hat off to you ALL ! xx

  • 💬
    Mercy Kigera  replied


    28.06.2024 00:00

    So wonderful to see the healing ministry of Christian Science nursing continue to flourish. Beautiful picture! 🙂

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